Treadmill on AWS

Clone the treadmill repo and start the vagrant box:

cd treadmill/vagrant
vagrant up master

SSH in the vagrant machine:

vagrant ssh master

Check treadmill exist:

treadmill --help

Set AWS Credentials and Region

Assuming a user is present on AWS Account having AmazonEC2FullAccess and AmazonVPCFullAccess, there are two ways to set the credentials and region:

Either export them:

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<Access Key ID>
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=<Secret Access Key>
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws_region>

Or create a credentials file ~/.aws/credentials with following content:


List treadmill AWS commands

treadmill admin cloud --help

Configure VPC

treadmill admin cloud --domain <domain> configure vpc --name <vpc_name>

This creates a VPC, Internet Gateway and Security Group. Default values are used to create these resources. The values can be overwritten from command line.

List the options:

treadmill cloud configure --help

Configure Domain

treadmill admin cloud --domain <domain> configure domain --vpc-name <vpc_name> --key <key_name> --image <image_name> --ipa-admin-password <password>

ipa-admin-password should be at least 8 characters long.

Other values can be overwritten if required.

This will spin up IPA Server and will return ipa-server instance details.

Now you can use REST APIs (running on <ipa-server-ip:5108>).

Setup below is based on CLIs (this calls the REST APIs).

Configure LDAP

treadmill cloud --domain <domain> --api <ipa-server-ip:5108> configure ldap --help

This will setup 1 openldap instance.

At this point all the hosts will be registered with IPA server.

Configure Cell

treadmill cloud --domain <domain> --api <ipa-server-ip:5108> configure cell --help

This will setup 3 masters and 3 zookeeper instances by default.

At this point all the hosts will be registered with IPA server.

SpinUp First Node

treadmill cloud --domain <domain> --api <ipa-server-ip:5108> configure node --help

List VPC

treadmill cloud --domain <domain> --api <ipa-server-ip:5108> list vpc --vpc-name <vpc_name>

This lists all the EC2 instances and subnets inside the vpc.

List Cell

treadmill cloud --domain <domain> --api <ipa-server-ip:5108> list cell --vpc-name <vpc_name> --subnet-name <subnet_name>

This lists all the EC2 instances running inside a cell.